Now is the time to start taking tax fear off of the table!
Please call us for a free consultation: (317) 213-6351
  • Experience the Difference that Experience Makes

    Experience the Difference that Experience Makes

  • You don't have to be a tax expert, that's our job!

    You don't have to be a tax expert, that's our job!

No matter your path in life, one thing is common, it will involve money. Getting the most out of your income and finances is what sets us apart.

Whether you need tax preparation services, advice on tax advantaged ways to save for your children's education, or more complex issues, thoughtful planning from a trusted partner is a must.

Call Roar Tax Consulting Today: (317) 213-6351

News & Tips

Five Essential Tips on Business Tax Planning

Five Essential Tips on Business Tax Planning

Keep business records Any business that is run without business records is bound to fail. Record keeping is a key element of any business whether...
Do You Know These Tips For Filing Your Taxes On Time?

Do You Know These Tips For Filing Your Taxes On Time?

Federal taxes are normally due on April 15, yet every year people are late to submit the proper forms. Missing tax forms and long lines at the post...
Protect Yourself from Tax Time Scams

Protect Yourself from Tax Time Scams

Tax season is now upon us, and more than ever, we are opting for the convenience of filing taxes online. While filing online may be faster and more...
Child Support and Taxes: Information you need to know

Child Support and Taxes: Information you need to know

Child support is tax-free for federal income tax purposes, meaning neither the recipient spouse nor the child owes taxes on it. However, unlike...